Group Yoga Class
The benefits of yoga go far beyond increased flexibility and muscle tone. Yoga enhances postural alignment, musculoskeletal strength and endurance as well as balance. The study and practice of yoga incorporates mindfulness-based practices, such as mindful breathing techniques, focused concentration, meditation and self-reflection.
Our yoga therapists offer a safe space to facilitate the practise and encourage a sense of healing and wellbeing.
For more information about yoga and therapists, click here.
Click here for time slots and to book:
Saturday: 7-8am– Tim
Thursday: 5pm-5.45– Kerry – Lynn
Price: R100
Please bring your own yoga mat.
Group TRE
Please book this ONLY if you have completed at least 4 private sessions with a qualified TRE Provider.
TRE is a body based (somatic) modality that is conducted in a safe; non-judgemental space. TRE provides a mechanism whereby anyone
who has been ‘wound up’ whether through stress or trauma is able to ‘unwind’ their body through it’s natural mechanism of shaking– leaving their body (and then their mind) in a more calm, relaxed and grounded state.
For more information on TRE and the Providers at Wellness on Alon, click here.
To book, please click here.
Kareema Mitha: Tuesday 5-6pm
Pls bring your own yoga mat and light blanket and cushion.
Breathwork and Meditation Class
Stilling the mind and controlling monkey brain is probably the most difficult challenge of the 21st century. The practise of meditation allows access to the inner peace and quiet and facilitates management of racing thoughts.
And connection to our own inner rhythm through breathework relieves mental, physical, and emotional tension.
Thurdays: 6-6.45 Kerry – Lynn R100
Join with Thursday yoga: R150
Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket, and cushion.
Fitness Icon Classes
Carpark Cardio
Saturday 7 November
Click here to book.
Watch this space for weekly time slots to get our heart rates up and keep motivated towards our physical goals.
Epiphanies at Alon
Epiphanies at Alon is a community writers’ circle. We call on all aspiring and published writers and poets alike to join our monthly complementary circle at Good Karma Cafe.
Let meet, share, inspire and aspire towards our epiphanies.
We will meet on the last Friday of every month from 3-5 pm. Come when you can.
First meeting Friday the 26th of March – featuring a published South African author who will share her journey.
Please book your spot by clicking the link below. Space is LIMITED due to Covid-19 Protocols.
Discovery Wellness Days
Come get your Discovery Wellness Assessments completed under one roof.
Book your times slots for the Medical Doctor, Dietician, and Biokineticist.
Watch this space for confirmed 2021 dates.
Tension and Stress Release Training (TRE)
Become a TRE Practitioner and offer this somatic modality yourself. TRE® is a body-based modality that effectively releases contraction patterns from the body that develop during times of long-term stress and trauma. Dr Berceli’s work is based on the fight/flight response and Brain Stem activation of muscle release for long term recovery.
The training consists of two modules conducted over 12 months. The training is offered at Wellness on Alon.
For more information and schedule of upcoming trainings – See attached PDF.
To register or enquire further, mail
Should you wish to experience this modality yourself – before signing up for the training, see our Wellness on Alon TRE Practitioners here.